Health is the foundation of our life. Whether we aspire to build a successful business, become a corporate leader or devote our life to social well-being or dive into spirituality – none of it is possible without a healthy body that can host a healthy mind. Knowingly or unknowingly due to deep rooted conditioning which may have become our blinkers we continue to live with the assumption that we are doing it all right, until it breaks! Moreover, the health problem in modern times has been exacerbated by the belief that health is an aspect of physical well-being alone, whereas our ancient sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda identified all of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being as part of complete definition of health. As we start living with awareness by making the practices of Yoga, Pranayam and Ayurveda part of our day to day routine we experience the profundo truth of our ancient sciences.
The course is designed to show how each of us is an integral part of the environment around us and how imperative it is to live in harmony with it; not just because it is good for the environment but because it is good for us! The course topics are designed to take us back to our roots. Let us together unravel the offerings of our Vedas that teach us the secrets of happy healthy and joyful living through Ayurveda and Yoga. Our goal during this retreat is to create an environment that offers opportunities for both learning and experiencing by practicing what is learnt. Practicing those teachings, that can bring a sense of completeness to the body, mind and soul. We are an integral part of all the divine creations of Mother Nature- the natural surroundings of the location of the retreat at Anand Shakti ashram brings this experience alive.
Components of Holistic Health (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual)
Role of Ayurveda, Yoga, Exercise, Pranayama and spiritual practices
- Breaking the Myth of Home remedies
- Understanding one’s unique Prakriti and Vikritis
- Lifestyle
- Diet
- Balancing your Doshas
- Self-care – Marma therapy and self-abhyanga
- Basic Rejuvenating and dosha balancing herbs
Yoga – Role of Yoga in Holistic Well being
Pranayama – Nadishodhan workshop
Spiritual practices – Chanting, Awareness, Contemplation
Philosophy of Ayurveda
Panch Tattvas
Tri Doshas
Tri Gunas
Dhatus of the Body
Unlearning myths of Home Remedies
Prakriti & Vikritis
Assessment of Prakriti and Vikritis
Sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda
Yoga as the healing arm of Ayurveda for the mind
Importance of breath during practice of Yoga asanas
Ayurvedic Yoga Asana practice
Importance of Pranayam
Nadi Shodhana
Lifestyle & Diet choices that shape our well-being
Marma points and
-practice of self-Abhyanga
-Bolus therapy
Simple herbs for different prakritis and vikritis that help balance Doshas
Daily outline
DAY 0 Arrivals
Introductory session 6.00pm
Day 1
Rise and Shine 6.00am
Morning Yoga 6.45am-7.30am
Ganesh puja 7.30am-8.00am
Personal time 8.00am – 9.15am
Breakfast and cleanup 9.15am-10.15am
Introduction to Holistic Health & its components 10.15am – 1.30pm
Lunch break and cleanup 1.30pm-2.45pm
Outdoor activity 2.45pm-4.00pm
Sister science Yoga for holistic health -1 4.00pm – 6.30pm
Ganesh puja 6.30pm – 7.00pm
Personal time 7.00pm – 7.30pm
Devotional chanting 7.30pm-8.30pm
Dinner and cleanup 8.30pm – 10pm
Day 2
Rise and Shine 6.00am
Morning Yoga 6.45am-7.30am
Ganesh puja 7.30am-8.00am
Personal time 8.00am – 9.15am
Breakfast and cleanup 9.15am-10.15am
Prakriti and Vikritis and Art of balancing Doshas 10.15am – 1.30pm
Lunch break and cleanup 1.30pm-2.45pm
Outdoor activity 2.45pm-4.00pm
Assessment of individual doshas (prakriti/vikriti) 4.00pm – 6.30pm
Ganesh puja 6.30pm – 7.00pm
Personal time 7.00pm – 7.30pm
Devotional chanting 7.30pm-8.30pm
Dinner and cleanup 8.30pm – 10pm
Day 3
Rise and Shine 6.00am
Morning Yoga 6.45am-7.30am
Ganesh puja 7.30am-8.00am
Personal time 8.00am – 9.15am
Breakfast and cleanup 9.15am-10.15am
Ayurvedic Approach to Yoga 10.15am –1.30pm
Lunch break and cleanup 1.30pm-2.45pm
Outdoor activity 2.45pm-4.00pm
Role of Pranayama / Nadishodhan workshop 4.00pm – 6.30pm
Ganesh puja 6.30pm – 7.00pm
Personal time 7.00pm – 7.30pm
Devotional chanting 7.30pm-8.30pm
Dinner and cleanup 8.30pm – 10pm
Day 4
Rise and Shine 6.00am
Morning Yoga 6.45am-7.30am
Ganesh puja 7.30am-8.00am
Personal time 8.00am – 9.15am
Breakfast and cleanup 9.15am-10.15am
Self-care with Marma Therapy and Self abhyanga 10.15am – 1.30pm
Lunch break and cleanup 1.30pm-2.45pm
Outdoor activity 2.45pm-4.00pm
Lifestyle, Diet and simple dosha balancing spices and herbs 4.00pm – 6.30pm
Ganesh puja 6.30pm – 7.00pm
Personal time 7.00pm – 7.30pm
Devotional chanting 7.30pm-8.30pm
Dinner and cleanup 8.30pm – 10pm
Day 5
This course is open to all.
The contribution for retreat will includes accomodation and food ( 3 Meals plus Morning and Evening Tea ) and does not include any travel expenses
The Ashram is located in the foothills of Himalayas in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The Ashram is around 60 kms from Dehradun Railway station and around 90 kms from Dehradun Airport. It usually takes 2.5 hours from railway station and 3 hours from airport to reach ashram. Kindly plan to reach Ashram latest by 5:00 pm.
As the weather is colder cooler you should get woollen socks, sweater/jacket, shawl, cap etc. Staying outdoor till late is not a good idea due to Ashram being in the jungle setting. Wild boars and occasional sightings of leopard etc. is possible.
Last 2 miles to the ashram is forest/mountain area and motorability of roads is poor because of forest department guidelines of no concrete/tar roads in forest area. Vehicles stop around 600 meters before the ashram due to non motorable patch. It is advisable to travel ultra light, baggage of more than 12-15 kgs will not be suitable to carry. It is further advised to split this weight into 2-3 small backpacks so that carrying luggage is not difficult. Luggage may need to be carried on your own for the last 600 meters patch and trolley wheel will not work on this patch.
There are no shops/markets/medical stores nearby. Please ensure you pack critical items like any necessary/routine medications etc.
Participants are expected to be modestly dressed and not wear Western attire (sleeveless shirts, jeans, capris, shorts, or short dresses). Appropriate attire for morning yoga sessions should be carried.
Reach out to one of our volunteers to reserve your spot before January 10 th 2025. We will share a registration and payment link which then needs to be completed before end of January 2025. Whatsapp: +91 7985928336 to reserve your spot now.