
Lifetime Guidance Program

Lifetime Guidance Program

A critical factor in the path of Spiritual journey is continuous guidance of one's Masters. Absence of Guru's guidance at the time of need not only hinders one's growth but may lead to crises. Lifetime Guidance Program is formatted exactly in a way that caters to this very need of sincere students..

20 Learners

3000 Hrs Course Duration
24/7 Learning Access

Course Description

Welcome to the kingdom of Shiva-Shakti!

Lifetime Guidance Programme is once in a lifetime opportunity for every sincere and dedicated student of spirituality. While we use the term 'every' infact it means 'only a chosen few'. We know that only if-

  • You are a sincere to the core
  • Have complete faith in the teachings of Guru-Lineage
  • Experienced transformation through Sadhana ordained
  • Bathed in the pure joy of learning under divine guidance
  • Have unbound love & respect for your teachers in Ma Shakti & Acharya ji
  • Felt protection and support of the compassionate Siddhas of the Gurumandala
  • And most importantly have anchored to the state of 'no further wandering'......


Only then you shall approach us wih such determination to devote your life to this divine 'Path to Self-Realization' as shown by Siddhas & Guides of Gurumandala. We humbly salute all such practitioners for their unbound determination, devotion and accomplishments.

This progamme is all about transmuting one's energies to the choices of devoting one's 100% life-energies to the cause of Self discovery, service of Mother Divine and experiencing the bliss of serving humanity through working overtime leading to goodness & godliness within and without. Your decision to choose this programme itself shows you are already aware of unlmited divine possibilities it is has in store for you under the guidance of Masters. This lifetime guidance programme is limited to admission of 18 eligible participants only*****. The applicants should also be accepted by Masters for admission to this programme. The Lifetime Guidance Programme has the following fee structure.***



SINGLE MEMBER -            INR 551,001 only (for Indian Citizen)

                                            USD 7575 only (for Foreign Nationals)

COUPLE MEMBERSHIP - INR 881,001 only (for Indian Citizen)

                                            USD 12,121 only (for Foreign Nationals)


Here have listed some major takeaways of this unique programme under the benefits section. Also entry to this programme calls for some prerequisits and terms and conditions**** so please read till the end..

Course Curriculum

As this programme aims at taking a practitioner to the zenith of his/her potentiality it shall have varied and personalized curriculum for everyone. Based on the individual needs and current state Masters shall choose appropriate Meditaion/Yoga/Therapy and Service schedules aiming at spiritual advancement of the practitioner.

Apart from the specific practices The Shakti Multiversity shall also organize specialized events focused on various themes as deemed fit. Such courses/events would be around the below subjects but not limited to it -


  • Yoga and Healing
  • Learning based on Ancient wisdom
  • Ritualistic Events such as Homam
  • Self-Study of Scriptures
  • Immersion in Nature & Self
  • Involvement in Humanitarian Services
  • Dance, Drama, Art and Music


All such events shall be organized as per predecided Events Calendar based on availability of resource persons and material.

Eligibility Criteria

Following are some of the rules and eligibility criteria.

1. Only Tattva Shakti Vigyaan Practitioners (Having at least Pratham Koti Deeksha with practice of minimum one year) shall be eligible to enroll in this programme. If you wish to bring in your partner/spouse he/she should also qualify as Tattva Shakti Vigyaan Practitioner (as stated above). No exception to rule shall ever be allowed.
2. During your stay in the Master's premises you will have to abide by the Dress Code and other rules communicated to you communicated to you from time to time during your stay. 
3. You are free to opt out of this programme at any point in time. No questions asked however No refund of fees is given under any circumustance whatsoever.
4. The decision of your selection in The Shakti Multiversity's Lifetime Guidance Programme is prerogative of Masters (Ma Shakti Devpriya & Acharya Agyaatadarshan). Also on behalf of The Shakti Multiversity they reserve the right to expel anyone from this programme at any point of time without giving any reason whosoever.
While we appreciate your enthusiasm however please apply only if you fulfill above criteria for candidature and also accept the rules stated herein.

Terms & Conditions

Lifetime' means 20 Years from the date of approval of Studentship. There after the same benefits can be renewed upon approval of Masters on payment of 10% of the current fee. The renewal shall happen in 5 years slab.
**Master's availability Calendar shall be published 6 months in Advance and The Shakti Multiversity shall try its best to adhere to the calendar to ensure Acharya ji's or Ma's availability on proposed dates. However changes in their availability schedule (Due to any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies) may be possible. In that case during your stay you shall be guided by a suitable Teacher as appointed by Masters..
***In general your mails/queries regarding your Current Sadhana or challenges therefore shall be directly answered by Masters however in certain circumstances representatives duly authorized by them can mediate the conversation
****No refund of the payment once made shall be done under any circumstances. For other details please write to us on shakti.multiversity@gmail.com and we shall send you the 'Application Form' containing details of terms and conditions.
***** It should be noted that till now 15 members have been already approved for Lifetime Guidance Membership upon consent from Masters leaving only 5 places for consideration now. Also Out of 5 places left we have received 2 requests that are being evaluated leaving only 3 spots for now.

Course Benefits

The Benefits & Opportunities
1. You can choose to spend 21 days in a year the in the Master's premises and attend daily routine of Yoga, Meditation-Sadhana and Satsang with Masters** free of cost. The only expenditure you would probably incur (that too discounted for members) during your stay would be on food, laundry and local visits (if you choose to take up) and of course medication (if solicited).
2. You can attend the ONLINE and OFFLINE courses at a discount 10%-30%.
3. All the products whether purchased from our website or Ashram Sale Counter, will also be bear the special discounts for you.
4. You will be getting the Free membership of the Periodicals/Journals of The Shakti Multiversity.
5. In Ashram premises you shall have free access to the Library where assorted books on Tantra, Spirituality, Yoga and Life would be available.
6. You shall be able to derive the pleasure of service by involving in the community Projects of the Masters in neighbouring villages.
7. You shall get direct access to the Masters for any queries, questions or guidance relating to your current Sadhana.***


This is not a programme in itself rather a Membership.

How To Apply

Select Course & fill in The Registration Form
Confirm Batch details and proceed to payment
Get course confirmation within 24 hours