7021 Learners
If you are yearning to restore your health, regain your inner peace and if you are searching for magical practices and effective discipline to reclaim your health, this programme Radiant Health with the Power of Tattvas* is the ultimate answer.
Principles of Tattva Shakti Vigyan tell us that body has all the resources to heal itself but it is 'we' who stand in the way of our healing. Holistic health requires us to drop what is toxic and unwanted at the same time be ready to adopt what is naturally nourshing and required. If you are on that stage of life where declaring 'Enough is enough! I am not ready to take this anymore.' has become natural then it simply means you are ready to take the plunge. It shows you are ready to get back to your natural healthy state again. If you are ready to usher yourself in the nature's lap, you are a fit candidate to be fit again.
"Our whole being resonates with the rhythm of the universe. This amazing rhythm of the universe that is unique for each one of us, is created by the play of five elements also known as Tattvas. The natural rhythm of Tattvas and a sorted mind collectively play the most important role in maintaining our Health."
- Acharya Agyaatadarshan Anand Nath
[Radiant Health] Power of Tattvas* is a unique programme that magically promotes restoration of health through purification and balancing of Tattvas at Gross level while removing the unseen roadblocks at Subtler level by attending to the mind. This workshop shall train you to use the healing energies of Tattvas and Power of your own Mind to create the Radiant Health for self.
The Five Great elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. The Chakras in our body are the abode of the five elements that are responsible for our over all health. The Earth element (Prithvi) resides in Root Chakra (Muladhara). It's activity and health depends on what we eat & how we eat. This centre is responsible for our skeletal health and excretary system. The programme will give you an understanding that will help you choose right kind of foods for you.
The Water element (Jal) resides in Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana). This is responsible for our reproductive system, lymphs health and getting rid of toxins that are circulating in the system. Unhealthy Sacral Chakra would lead to many emotional disorders and even cancer. We help you prepare a universal detox drink that work wonders on your overall health.
The Fire element (Agni) resides in Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra). It governs our immune system, digestive system and health of our eyes. Healthy solar plexus means you have a healthy fire within which helps you assimilate and digest whatever you eat. Without a healthy level of fire and healthy navel centre one suffers from so many unexplained diseases. You lack the vitality, suffer from lack of enthusiasm in life and issues like diabetes without a healthy solar plexus. The Programme shall give you a Magical Navel Set Sequence which will work wonders in your digestion.
"We come across so many cases related to digestive issues such as gastric ulcers, constipation, GERD, UDF, heartburn, bloating, IBS, food allergies and even so called auto-immune diseases such as Lupus and Crohn Disease that are simply linked to your dislocated navel. Modern doctors fail to recognize this fact and continue to stuff your body with so many unwanted drugs and chemicals without giving you any relief. All these problems can be resolved just by attending to one organ in your body and that is your navel."
- Acharya Agyaatadarshan Anand Nath
The Air Element (Vayu) resides in Heart Chakra (Anahat). It is the best detoxifier. Healthy air element means all circulatory systems are working well in the body. If this centre of energy is not functioning well, you suffer from anxiety, uncontrolled chatter in mind, general debility, lack of creativity and diseases that affect your lungs, joints and skin. The workshop helps you activate Heart centre through the practice of Tantric breathwork and specialized therapeutic Kumbhakas. These breathworks will help you offload your toxins in a very systmematic and accelerated manner.
"Doctors say we are a body that is mechanical, chemical and electrical phenomenon. Sages say we are not the body but a self-illumined soul, that remains completely unaffected by its environment. Tantra-Yoga on the other hand has a holistic view; a more comprehensive and scientific one. It declares we are the soul with a mind. It is this mind that grossifies as physical body and its functions. Therefore, it will be foolish to attempt restoration of health without attending to our monkey-mind. Off late many researches have proven that most of our ailments can be cured by attending to our mind. So, any holistic system of health must have means and ways to heal the mind - the seat of all dis-eases."
-Acharya Agyaatadarshan Anand Nath
All the physical discomforts are caused due to blocks in our energy system. All the mental disturbances affect our energy system that is made up of Chakras and Nadis. If you feel sad, angry, irritated and depressed most of the times, such mental environment disturbs the energy channels leading to sluggish and diseased chakras. It is a viscious circle where mind affect the chakras and chakars affect the mind. Space element (Akasha) resides in Throat Chakra (Vishuddh). It has a lot to do with our sense of hearing, mental chatter, speech and overall hue of personality. The most important function of this Tattva is enabling medium-less communication among endocrine glands. Diseased Throat Chakra can lead to thyriod issues, disturbances in endocrine system, phobias and even cancers.
This programme presents us with a unique two-pronged approach. On one hand we directly restore our mind's natural relaxed state using an ancient tantric breathing technique that frees you from negative emotions like anger, worry, anxiety and depression; On the other we shall work on creating positive living space for ourselves. Having a perfect balance in Space Element leads to emotional well being, which is must for maintaining radiant health.
The workshop aims at providing you a versatile tool-kit for radiant health. If you are ready then by giving just few minutes and a mindful regime to your body you can reverse your ailments and change your life forever.
Day 1 Introduction
Lets talk Health
The Scope of this Workshop
The Timebound Tantric Restoration Strategy
Self-assessment Tattva Questionnaire
& Practices for the first day - Invoking the Cosmic Rhythm
Day 2 From Ground Zero to Free Flow
Morning Meditation With Pranav
Understanding the Role of Tattvas in our Health
Doshas Questionnaire for Self-Assessment &
practices for Day two - Invoking the Cosmic rhythm - Detox Drinks - Happy Mantras
Day 3 : Igniting the Fire without Smoke
Morning Meditation Om + Detox
Fire as our motivation in life
Working on Smoke - The Air Elements
Practices for Day three - Health Affirmations - Warmup - Breathing - The Navel Set Sequence + Pranav Meditation - Detox Drinks - Happy Mantras
Day 4 : Creating Radiant Space
Warm up + Breathing + Morning Meditation + Detox
Space - The Key to Healthy Endocrine System
Diseases Vs Tattvas Vs Correcting Mudras
Practices for Day three - Health Affirmations - Detox Drinks - Warmup - Navel Set Sequence - Sync Breathing - Mudras - Happy Mantras
Day 5 : Experiencing the Magic of Tantric Meditation
Warm up + Breathing + Morning Meditation Om + Detox
Lets take sankalpa to Create RADIANT HEALTH* for ourselves.
Practices for Day four onwards - Health Affirmations - Warmup - Pranav Breathing - Mudra Tattva Meditation - Detox Drinks - Navel Set Sequence + Happy Mantras
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