
Shiva Sutras for Personal Transformation

Shiva Sutras for Personal Transformation

Shiva Sutras has the core teachings of Tantra. The wisdom in these Sutras has all the possible wisdom and thus can be fully utilized by a master to help the practitioner understand, modify and refine one's psyche and decie how one interacts, evolves and perceives the world and the self.

4521 Learners

15 Hrs Course Duration
24/7 Learning Access

Course Description

If Tantra is a vast garden of fragrant flowers full of nectar of wisdom then Shiva Sutras are the divinely sweet honey that nourishes seeker's soul. The wisdom in these Sutras has all the possible wisdom under the sun and therefore itcan be fully utilized to understand human psyche, nature of reality and also the world.

The seeker of truth should always remember the following sequence -

  • As is our vision so is the perception
  • As is our perception so is our interaction
  • As if our interaction so is our experience
  • As is our experience so is our life

Therefore if we wish to enrich our lives we must work on understanding, correcting and refining our own vision. The world has been and shall continue to happen in the same fashion as it were but as one evolves and grows spiritually, psychologically the same wordly situations and challenges that were potentially disturbing and cause of suffering can be turned in to the greatest of opportunities of transcendence.

Since time immemorial Shiva sutras through their sublime presence have served as the basis of all the powerful tantric rituals and practices that are said to grant the practitioner the highest of accomplishments, joy and freedom from suffering. In this workshop our beloved Masters Ma Shakti Devpriya ji and Acharya Agyaatadarshan Anand Nath will help you explore your inner world like never before. The hidden esoteric wisdom in these sutras shall be decoded in such a way to make it applicable in day to day actions.

Course Curriculum

It is an ONLINE Workshop that is going to be spread over 6 weeks. Needless to say it is a practice oriented programme wherein beloved Masters, Ma Shakti Devpriya ji and Acharya Agyaatadarshan Anand Nath ji shall help you explore your own nature. With the structured practices, clear instructions from Masters you should be able to see yourself growing week after week. Masters in their unique free-flowing style shall give out secrets pertaining to the following topic.

  • Introduction to Tattvas and their Transformative Power
  • Hierarchical and Interwoven Tattvic Matrix
  • Use of Language as Transformative Tool
  • Practices to use the power of speech for self-regulation
  • Using the power of Silence for quality interactions and intended outcomes
  • Detoxification of body-mind through Chandrayana Vrat
  • Understanding the dynamics of Prana with Sankalpa (Intention) and Bodh (Awareness)
  • Breathing techniques for rejuvenating Brain and Mind
  • What is reality? Can we or should we change our reality?
  • Reprogramming of your neural pathways through power of Vikalpas
  • Using the power of Mandalas and Sounds for healing
  • Getting rid of unresolved issues and fears
  • The Prana, Aura and Chakra Principles
  • Techniques for ascension of Spiritual Energy (Kundalini)
  • Creating, experiencing and sustaining 'flow'
  • Principles and Processes for expansion beyond physical limits

The enriching discussions during LIVE sessions are going to soak your being in the divine joy of your own true nature. This structured workshop, while being full of knowledge is going to be punctuated by the unique practices that give to power to change. Get ready to be thrilled and transformed with the extracted universal wisdom from Shiva Sutras.

Eligibility Criteria

The programme is open to all irrespective of their level of pratices or initiations. However be ready to follow the discipline as instructed by Ma Shakti and Acharya ji, your teachers for this course.

Terms & Conditions

The recordings of this programme shall be made available only to those who register for the workshop and also attend more than 50 percent of lectures in person.

Course Benefits

Shiva Sutras empower and encourage you to live your life to the full by helping you evolve to your fullest potential.

How To Apply

Follow the steps provided here in.