
Mantras- The Giver of Total Health

Mantras- The Giver of Total Health

Its Tuesday, so I begin remembering our beloved RamBhakta Hanuman ji – Aum AnjaneeSutaay Namah!

Mantras in Tantra
Tantra essentially uses mantras. Unlike system of Yoga or Samkhya, Tantra relies on the power of words which are essentially sounds. Most of the languages are probably intuitive ways of organizing different sounds by people of different races to be able to convey the meaning out of sounds. But Sanskrit is a notch beyond. Sanskrit is believed to be originated from the damaroo (two-headed drum) of Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva was pleased with the austerities or Tapa of Maharshi Paanini and appeared before him to give the rules of the divine language called Sanskrit! Since Sanskrit language comes from divine source, it is also called Deva Vaani.

Sanskrit is placed on a very high pedestal in all the languages of the world for many good reasons. While English, Spanish and Chinese may be some of the most spoken languages in the world, but whoever comes in contact with Sanskrit is surely amazed at its beauty and clear cut rules of word, phrase and sentence formation. One of the beautiful verbal aspect of this language is that it is read exactly as it is written – in contrast with other languages. If we put in little more thought to feel this language, we will find many other amazing secrets hidden within it. To cite one, the alphabets of Sanskrit are created in a manner through which not only physical, but mental well-being of a person is also ensured.


Today we shall understand the effect of pronunciation of different Sanskrit alphabets, especially vowels on the organs of the body and on the physical and mental well-being of a person. Choice of Sanskrit is for definite reasons – the mantras used in our system of practice are in this language. And why vowels? Without vowels, no words can be formed, and these are also the alphabets that can be spoken in isolation. For many of you it is certainly food for thought; most of you have scientific bent of mind and I know you would experiment before you accept it. I am sure that you will try to experience it yourself and be convinced that learning and correct pronunciation of Sanskrit Alphabets not only helps in upliftment of our culture but also in maintaining good physical and mental health.
Vowels in Sanskrit
 So, let me take up the vowels one by one.

Pronunciation Of Health Benefits

‘अ’ is the first vowel. The pronunciation of ‘अ’ or ‘A’ is done by throat and has a direct effect on the heart. As you pronounce ‘अ’ again and again, the energy circulation in the heart increases. ‘अ’ is present in every letter; and for that reason, Krishna in Gita says, “In the sounds I am ‘अ-कार’”.
Pronunciation of ‘अ’ betters the working of heart and strengthens it. It increases the flow of pure blood in the body. In mantra vigyaan, the letter ‘अ’ increases creative capacity. In Mandukya Upanishad, its siddhi has been said to bestow all worldly desires.

Pronunciation of ‘AA’ or ‘आ’ affects the upper part of the lungs and chest. It strengthens the upper chest region and first few ribs. It also strengthens the oesophagus, brings clarity to the mind and decreases laziness in the body. As it strengthens the upper part of lungs, it is helpful in conditions like cough and asthma. People with weakness, low immunity and those prone to tuberculosis should surely practice chanting ‘आ’.
Long pronunciation of ‘E/EE’ or ‘इ/ई’ affects the throat and brain. It specially affects the activity of throat, palate, nose and upper part of heart. It releases the mucus present in the respiratory system and cleanses the intestine. It is also helpful in issues related to heart and in headache. People who are either depressed, feel isolated or get very angry are benefited by it.
Pronunciation of ‘U/UU’ or ‘उ/ऊ’ affects liver, stomach and intestine and pelvis. Women suffering from diseases related to urinary system and reproductive system will be benefited by chanting it. It is also helpful in healing chronic constipation. It heals the womb trauma in women and is especially useful for those who experience abortions. It reduces pain and cramps during mensuration period.
Pronunciation of ‘ए/ऎ’ affect the throat, upper part of trachea and kidney. Continuous chanting of ‘ए/ऎ’ heals many issues related to urinary system. Issues related to Kidney and urethra are healed. Singers and people who have job in which they must speak for long hours are very much benefited by it. It removes confusion and brings clarity and structure in thinking.
Pronunciation of ओ/औ affects reproductive system and excretory system. It normalizes the function of both the systems. When you continue to chant ओ/औ for a long period you will notice that blockages in the nerves are removed and they get active. If you suffer from bowel diseases that are due to sluggish movements of intestines, you will notice better activity of your intestines with this. In conditions like pneumonia and pleurisy it is beneficial to chant ओ/औ.
Pronunciation of अं clears the nostrils. The air that enters the nostril during inhalation also carries prana in our body and cleanses the blood. When breathing through nose, the nostrils and trachea both are functioning, so it is very important to keep these organs healthy. All the beej mantras have the sound of अं in the end. The right way is to pronounce it for a long time. When you begin chant of the mantra, open the mouth and while chanting म the lips are closed (or the guttural opening is closed depending on the system of pronunciation followed). This way, prana that enters in the body during the mantra chanting is locked in the body which heals the body and the diseased air that leaves the body cannot freely enter back in the body.
Pronunciation of अः stimulates the front portion of tongue and palate and its effects are wonderful. There is some activity in the brain by which Ojas is produced in the body that enter the body through the throat and heals the whole body. The throat and chest are also strengthened. It also activates the metabolism.

We can see that Mantras are the well-organized letters of Sanskrit alphabet that are woven together through vowels. They activate and strengthen the important organs of the body and help in cleansing the blood. You can also chant these vowels separately. Chanting of these letters not only heals the body on the surface but it has a deeper impact. It also increases the immunity of a person. Chanting of these letters on regular basis also helps in cultivating a spiritual mindset.


How about chanting this sequence that covers all the vowels.

अ उ ओ म अं अ ई उ आ ए अ अः

Well, if it feels difficult to remember this just go back to the beginning of this article. Chant that mantra that I began with. There you are! Exactly these magically beneficial vowels in it, giving you physical strength (बल), intelligence (बुद्धि) and knowledge(विद्या). That’s the power vowels in this Hanumaan mantra!

Stay blessed…